the Sacraments that are administrated and conferred at the Oratory
Chapel of Saint Francis of Assisi are done so in the traditional
(pre-Vatican II) manner and exlusively in Latin (never in the
vernacular) in order to safeguard their validity. Holy Mass is offered using the rubrics (and calendar) of S. Pope Pius X; and again, exclusively in Latin.
✠ Baptism
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism, which is necessary for salvation, is administered to infants of members of the Oratory Chapel by appointment. At least one of the parents must be a practicing Catholic and living in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Adult Baptisms can be arranged with Monsignor Sebastian, and will require classes and preparation.
Conditional Baptisms may be arranged if there is sound cause that the original administration was by a non-Catholic or a defective Rite was used.
✠ Holy Confirmation
The Sacrament of Holy Confirmation, which gives grace and is necessary to combat the evil one and makes its recipient a Soldier of Christ is conferred after an appropriate time of preparation.
✠ Holy Matrimony
The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony is administrated solely to Catholics who are members of the Oratory Chapel. Candidates must be canonically (legally within the Church) eligible to receive the Sacrament, to wit, unmarried, and not civilly divorced before receiving a canonical and legitimate decree of nullity from the competent Ecclesiastical authority. All candidates must meet with Monsignor Sebastianat least six months prior to the requested date of Marriage; instruction will be included.
The determination of the validity of
Marriages between two baptised Catholics is not within the scope of the authority of the SSCR and its Clergy.
Private consultation on an individual
case is available, however, the final
determination will most likely be for the requesters to live as brother and sister,
or permission to separate while the Marriage Bond remains intact.
✠ Holy Confession
The Sacrament of Holy Confession, which is necessary to properly and worthily receive Our Lord in Holy Communion, is conferred every Sunday before Holy Mass, from 9:15 am until ten minutes before Holy Mass, or by appointment.
✠ Holy Extreme Unction
The Sacrament of Holy Extreme Unction, which gives grace and assits the soul's return to health, or assists the soul's in its preparation for its final end: a holy death in the grace of God. Please contact the clergy as soon as possible, please do not wait until "the end."